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Century Series Award - Adult only
Century Award

Association Series Century Award (Effective Aug 1, 2009)

100 pins over average in a series.  This award is for any bowler with a 175 or below average at the time of bowling. The average used must be an established average (minimum of 21 games or a year book average). Once any bowler establishes a 21 game average they must use their current average and NOT their year book average.

The award application can only be submitted once the bowler has bowled for two thirds of the season. 

This award is a ONCE in a life time only.

This award will be a cell phone case / key chain.

200 Award
200 Game award - Adult Only

Association 200 Game Award

(Effective Aug 1, 2009) 

200 game award for bowlers with 140 and below average.  The average used must be an established average (minimum of 21 games or a year book average). Once any bowler establishes a 21 game average they must use their current average and NOT their year book average.

The award application can only be submitted once the bowler has bowled for two thirds of the season. 

This award is a ONCE in a life time only.

This award will be a folding tote bag.

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